Code of Conduct

 Policy owner: Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation

Approved by: Board

Approval date: 1 October 2021

Next review due: 1 September 2022

Version: 1.0

1. Goal 

The Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation (“The Foundation”) is committed to fostering a culture of  legal, ethical and moral behaviour and exemplary corporate governance.  

The goal of this Code of Conduct is to outline a set of principles and practices for The Foundation’s  Board of Directors, employees and volunteers (“Staff”). 

2. Code 

The Foundation’s Staff are committed to observing and promoting the highest standards of  ethical conduct in the performance of their responsibilities. The Foundation’s Staff agree to abide  by this code as a minimum guideline for ethical conduct. 

2.1. Accountability 

  • Faithfully abide by and uphold The Foundation’s Trust Deed, Constitution, by-laws and  internal policies and procedures. 

  • Exercise reasonable care, good faith, and due diligence in organisational affairs. 

  • Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, any information that may result in a perceived  or actual conflict of interest. 

  • Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information that would impact board decision making. 

  • Remain accountable for The Foundation’s prudent fiscal management responsibilities to  donors, scholars and other beneficiaries, the not-for-profit sector, the government and other  relevant regulatory bodies. 

2.2. Professional Excellence 

  • Maintain a professional level of courtesy, respect, and objectivity in all The  Foundation’s activities. 

  • Strive to uphold those practices and assist other Staff in upholding the highest standards  of conduct. 

  • To not undertake corrupt (including soliciting, accepting or offering a bribe, or facilitating  payments or other such benefits), fraudulent or illegal activities (including theft, drug sale  or use, violence or threatened violence, or property damage). 

  • To not undertake activities that would endanger health or safety or pose a risk of causing  damage to the environment.

2.3. Personal Gain 

  • Exercise the powers invested for the good of The Foundation rather than for his or her  personal benefit. 

2.4. Equal Opportunity 

  • Ensure the right of all Staff and Foundation scholars and other beneficiaries to appropriate  and effective services without discrimination based on geography, political, religious, or socio economic characteristics of the state or region represented. 

  • Ensure the right of all Staff and Foundation scholars and other beneficiaries to appropriate and  effective services without discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, national origin,  race, religion, age, political affiliation or disability, in accordance with all applicable legal and  regulatory requirements. 

2.4. Confidential Information 

  • Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information known due to association with The  Foundation. 

2.5. Collaboration and Cooperation 

  • Respect the diversity of opinions as expressed or acted upon by all The Foundation’s Staff  and formally register dissent as appropriate. 

  • Promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership among Staff. 

3. Code Review Process 

The Compliance Committee is accountable to The Foundation’s Board for managing and maintaining this  policy. Where compliance issues surface, the Compliance Committee will work with staff to address  these issues promptly. Any updates/revisions to the policy must be endorsed by the Compliance  Committee before being submitted to the Board for approval. 

The Foundation may review and change this policy from time to time and/or at least every 12 months.  The amended Code will apply whether The Foundation has given specific notice of any change.

4. Policy History

Policy first developed 1 October 2021