

Under no circumstances will the Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation, its agents, instrumentalities, officers or employees be liable for the accuracy of the information published. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information at the time of publication, additions, updates, alterations and changes in circumstances may occur between the time of publication and the time the user views the information. The Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation advises users to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information before committing to any course of action. Under no circumstances will the Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation be liable for damages arising from use of its information.

 Privacy Statement

The Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation respects and is committed to protecting individuals’ privacy. The Foundation’s approach is guided by the 10 National Privacy Principles and the 11 Information Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). The Foundation has adopted an approach consistent with the exemptions to the Privacy Act in respect of employee records.

The Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation Privacy Policy can be found here.

 Conflict of Interest Policy

The Foundation is committed to ensuring that personal relationships should not influence or even give the impression of influencing decisions on the award of Scholarships. The Foundation continues to rely on good and thoughtful judgment by every individual involved in the mission to prevent most Conflicts of Interest.

The Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation Conflict of Interest Policy can be found here.