Hajir Naghdy

Hajir is a Senior Managing Director with Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners and is a member of the Stonepeak Executive Committee. Prior to Stonepeak, Hajir was at Macquarie Capital for nineteen years. Hajir started in Sydney in 1999 and moved to Korea in 2000, as a founding member of the team which established Macquarie’s first infrastructure funds management business in Asia. Hajir played a leading role in 12 of the first 14 investments made by the Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund (then called KRIF – Korea Road Infrastructure Fund) between 2002 and 2005. Hajir has played numerous roles across Asia and the Middle East in Macquarie’s infrastructure business. 

Most recently, prior to joining Stonepeak, Hajir was Head of Macquarie Capital in Asia and the Middle East. In this role, he led and established Macquarie Capital’s renewable energy investing business in the region.

Hajir has a Bachelor of Mathematics and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia. 

Haj worked with Nick in Asia.  Nick built bridges no one had built before, and created businesses which thrive and grow to this day.  Haj is proud to have worked alongside him, and considered him a dear friend.  Haj still works in infrastructure, and still gets up and has a real run at it every day. That is in large part thanks to Nick.

Hajir Naghdy is a founding member of the Nick van Gelder Dreamers Foundation.